Saturday, June 9, 2007

MissBHavens Screens at Pixelodeon

Rock on, Girlfriend!

My Film Screened at AFI! WOOHOO!

So it's not some major film of significance, who cares!? I screened at AFI. Resume fodder.

People in Hollywood Are Just Like You and Me

Banner Gets a New Home

Pixelodeon Banner Won't Stay Up

Rick Rey & Volunteers to the Rescue

Checking Out the Theatres

Arriving at AFI

Driving from Hotel to AFI

packed in the car with 4 guys - much fun!

Michael Verdi Photographs Street Signs

He is obsessed with silly graphics.

Vloggers Walk in LA

Walking from breakfast to hotel, then driving to AFI.

Verdi Needs More Coffee

And contrary to earlier reporst, he did stop to shower at some point.

That'sa Some Spicy Tomato (Juice)

David Howell reacts to a spicy beverage.

Vlogger Breakfast Club

We're at Mel's Diner

Streeter & Howell Wear My Shades

The boys like my girlie glasses.

Finally leaving for breakfast

Getting everyone together is hard... vloggers everywhere!

Makin' Faces

You may get bored with my sporadic pointless posts, but I don't care because I'm at Pixelodeon! WOO!

Rupert on Sleeping Arrangements

Everyone wants to know who slept where!?!?

A Disturbed Person

Waiting to go to breakfast.


The blip crew rocks! They put a new server into production last night and it was causing my file not found problems, but it looks like they fixed it. I HAS THANKZ BLIP!


They tell me they're working on it. When they fix it I'll let you know.


I just woke up, yo!

Walking Home from the Shindig

Walking back to the hotel with: Daniel Liss, Rupert Howe, David Howell and Jen Proctor (not seen, but there all the same). Berlin was wrong. People DO walk in LA. Friday, June 8, 11:26 pm.

Daniel Liss & Ryanne Hodson at Cat & Fiddle

Friday, June 7, 8:16 pm